Wednesday, July 1, 2009

It's July 1st Again

And that means it's our anniversary :)

3 years ago right now we were finishing up our tasty dessert reception and getting ready to head to Minneapolis.

3 years ago today we had just found out earlier in the week we would be moving to IA.

3 years ago today we planned to wait about 3 years before trying to have a baby.

3 years sounds so SHORT but feels so LONG - we were talking this morning that we feel like we've always been married (not in a bad sense!!), always been homeowners, always had a dog, always been parents... But 3 years is nothing! Now, when we get to 30 we can talk! :)

Praise the Lord for a godly husband who is continually growing and changing into an awesome man of God. Mike is the most selfless, loving person I know and I love him :)

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