Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I'm enjoying this fall season! It's so nice to have a window open now and then and enjoy the cool crispness without having to turn on the air or the heat! The smell of apples baking in our house and the tasty of yummy apple cider is just so welcome and inviting :) Ahh - I do love fall.

Baby L is still safely inside where he/she thinks he/she belongs. I'm almost ready for the reality of being a mom to set in. We're getting so close :) Not much longer now! I'm excited for my church baby shower tomorrow night! Hopefully we'll have a great time and I won't have many contractions to interrupt the fun. Today was the first day I KNOW I was having some contractions - not the most pleasant thing in the world, but I know they're going to get MUCH worse before this baby is born.

In other news, nothing new is happening, so I guess there really is no other news...

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